Weekend Recap – August 15, 2023

Aug 15, 2023

Congratulations to Tenacity on a second place finish at the Alice Kelly Ladies Only Billfish Tournament this past Sunday, and Fin Planner with a sixth place finish! There were over 160 billfish released in the tournament, with mahi, wahoo, yellowfin, and blackfin catches to go along with it.

The nearshore boats have had nice catches of spanish and king mackerel, bluefish, sea bass, sharks, and a few ribbonfish still in the mix! We’ve had a few amberjack and mahi on the longer trips as well.

Inshore boats have caught nice sized red drum and speckled trout this week! There’s been a few bluefish and flounder releases too.

Stay up to date on our new instagram page @oregoninlet, and be sure to follow along with the Pirates Cove Billfish Tournament going on this week!

Book your trip online 24/7 at oregon-inlet.com or give us a call at (252) 441-6301 ext.1. We’d love to have you fish with us!